Thursday, December 29, 2011

Enjoying Your Shopping Experience

People love shopping; especially women. They love shopping for clothing; specifically women's clothing. It is almost like women were created to go shopping. Okay, not quite, but it is a big deal to women. Shopping is like the way they express themselves. Either they love it, hate it, or are neutral. All in all, shopping is what women know and like to do, is that so bad? Why can't our husbands understand this?
Men and women are very different. If you take your husband to the store with you to go shopping, you should know one major rule; don't. Most men hate shopping the way most women hate watching football. A man will start rolling his eyes before you are even in the store. Then, as soon as you are in the store he will look extremely bored and irritated right away; even if you are shopping for him, or for food. Unless it has something directly related to buying a new stereo system or football jersey, he is not interested.
Perhaps you would choose to bring someone else along instead; or at the same time. This way, your husband can feel free to roam wherever he wants, and you can take as long as you need picking out the perfect clothing for yourself or him. You are also avoiding buying unnecessary items that do not fit you nor do they look good on you on account of his being antsy. It is a classic scene that we are all familiar with; "Yeah yeah it looks great, get it and let's go already." Then sometimes he will add in, "The game is starting in fifteen minutes".
Well isn't that just lovely? Save yourself the headache. Either let him loose, providing it is more than just a women's clothing store, or don't bring him. The third option of course is to bring someone else so you can still have the companionship, and the opinion you need. The best person for this job is a friend or sister.
This is the way to enjoy your shopping experience. This is how you get an outlet. So, you have to be calm and relaxed in order to enjoy your experience. It is also recommended to shut off your cell phone if you are leaving any children at home. Shopping is fun and exciting; especially when you are getting new clothing. You can not enjoy yourself when getting calls every other minute.
Shopping for clothing; specifically women's clothing should not be a hassle. You need to have the right amount of time to pick out and try on what you want. This is your wardrobe we are talking about; you are going to be wearing this stuff every day! Don't make the wrong choices just because of pressure from a husband or child.
So, do what is right for you. If you really must take along your husbad when you go shopping; so go ahead. Just keep in mind the ideal thing to do; shoo him away. You can go pick him up on the way to check out. You will probably find him in the electronics aisle playing video games with the 12 year olds; you can always leave him there if you'd prefer.

Give Your Feet A Rest With Comfort Shoes

Have you ever counted how many miles you walk a day? How about the amount of hours you spend on your feet? From the minute you wake up and put your feet on the ground to the minute you go to bed you have exercised your feet and legs. Healthy feet will keep you more active and more content so treat them properly.

Considering our feet aren't that big they have a very complex astructure. There are twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints, one hundred seven ligaments, and nineteen muscles and tendons. That's incredible, isn't it? But, because there are so many working parts it also means you should take care of your foot if you do not want to experience pain. The pain is usually the result of one or more of these parts fail to play nice with the others. Tight muscles or tendons can hurt a lot, especially when your foot hits the ground. Try stretching every day, not to an extreme, but just a few minutes to warm up and loosen those muscles before long periods of use.

You may also be experiencing pain because your foot developed slightly different. Flat-footedness, for example, can cause pain in the bottom of your foot and the heel. You may also experience knee and back pain if your heel does not strike properly. These are often small structural flaws in your foot.

You can use orthopedic support to ease pain. Try a pair of comfort shoes if you plan to walk a lot. You can find sport specific shoes that also help. They will give you the kind of cushioning and stability you need for that specific activity, like running shoes with arch support or basketball shoes with ankle support. Also, orthotic sandals are good for low impact outdoors activities. You'd be amazed how many people do not wear shoes built for their foot type. If you invest in a good pair and you buy slide-in arch supports you can be doing your body a favor. Insoles will not only feel more comfortable but will solve the problem over time.

Also, the days of "suffer for fashion" are over. A lot of these shoes look cool now. Say goodbye to the clogs of yesteryear. You can find different styles and colors that look like your everyday sneaker. There is no reason you should continue to experience pain when you have a choice.