2. Sun Tanning
3. Not getting enough sleep
4. Lack of Activity
5. Being Stressed, tense, and all wound up

6. Pursing Your Lips
7. Sleeping on your side

8. Rubbing your eyes
9. Eating badly
10. Over dieting or under dieting
health, beauty, fitness, disease, insurance, diet, food, herbals, drugs
Let me brief some basic exercises here:
For Your Eyes
1. Firmly close your eyes.
2. Place both thumbs at the outer corners of the eyes and gently pull the skin to your temples.
3. Place both forefingers flat under your eyebrows and stretch the skin up.
4. Now, Keep your eyes open. Raise your eyebrow while half closing your eyes. Hold for a sec and open your eyes as wide as you can. Then hold for a second.
5. Keep your eyes open again. Look up and down as far as you can without shifting your head. Do the same to the left and right. At the end, stare ahead.
Keep doing these exercises for 5 to 10 minutes.
For Your Cheeks
1. Keep your lips closed. Such both Cheeks inward. Hold and release. Do this exercise by sucking in one cheek at a time
2. Keep your mouth closed. Feel your mouth with air. Hold it under your upper lip for a few seconds. Move it to your right cheek. Hold. Move to your left cheek. Hold. Move the air to your lower lip. Hold. Blow the air out.
3. Keep your lips closed. Pucker your lips by using your cheek muscles. Hold your lips puckered for a few seconds and release.
Keep doing these exercises for 5 to 10 minutes.
Facial exercises are just the same as regular fitness exercises. If you do it the right way, you can get surprising results. If you do it wrong, it may harm your appearance.
You can use a facial exercising program to learn how to do facial exercises the right way. A complete facial exercising program doesn't even cost as much as a facial cream and is much more effective and natural.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_Hopkins
This is a very perplexing question. Does one really want to make boobs bigger? Why would one want to make bigger boobs (in other words, make bigger breasts)? Do bigger boobs serve any function? Bigger shock absorbers in case of head on crashes in vehicles? More milk? Better looks? Attracts more men? Oftentimes the ladies’ need to fulfil the wants and desires of society is so strong that they end up believing that the need and desire actually originates from themselves. However if the ladies know that they want to make their boobs bigger (in more cultured terms, have a breast enlargement) because they feel better about their image, then it is a definite and acceptable reason.
So, how to make boobs bigger? There are several ways:
1. Eat more. When a lady puts on weight, the extra fat is deposited everywhere, including the breasts.
2. Exercise more. Special breast enlargement exercises: Chin ups, pec-deck flys, any exercise that is designed to strengthen and increase the bulk of the anterior chest wall muscles will cause the breasts to be pushed outwards and appear bigger and firmer.
3. Natural Hormones. There are naturally-occurring hormones (called phytoestrogens) in plants such as soybean, legumes, chickpeas, flax, lentils and clover that attach onto the estrogen receptors in the breast, and stimulate the growth of breast tissue. Nowadays they come in pill forms for easier consumption.
4. Artificial Hormones. These are chemically synthesised estrogenic hormones in both pill and cream forms that will stimulate proliferation of breast tissue.