Thursday, December 29, 2011

Enjoying Your Shopping Experience

People love shopping; especially women. They love shopping for clothing; specifically women's clothing. It is almost like women were created to go shopping. Okay, not quite, but it is a big deal to women. Shopping is like the way they express themselves. Either they love it, hate it, or are neutral. All in all, shopping is what women know and like to do, is that so bad? Why can't our husbands understand this?
Men and women are very different. If you take your husband to the store with you to go shopping, you should know one major rule; don't. Most men hate shopping the way most women hate watching football. A man will start rolling his eyes before you are even in the store. Then, as soon as you are in the store he will look extremely bored and irritated right away; even if you are shopping for him, or for food. Unless it has something directly related to buying a new stereo system or football jersey, he is not interested.
Perhaps you would choose to bring someone else along instead; or at the same time. This way, your husband can feel free to roam wherever he wants, and you can take as long as you need picking out the perfect clothing for yourself or him. You are also avoiding buying unnecessary items that do not fit you nor do they look good on you on account of his being antsy. It is a classic scene that we are all familiar with; "Yeah yeah it looks great, get it and let's go already." Then sometimes he will add in, "The game is starting in fifteen minutes".
Well isn't that just lovely? Save yourself the headache. Either let him loose, providing it is more than just a women's clothing store, or don't bring him. The third option of course is to bring someone else so you can still have the companionship, and the opinion you need. The best person for this job is a friend or sister.
This is the way to enjoy your shopping experience. This is how you get an outlet. So, you have to be calm and relaxed in order to enjoy your experience. It is also recommended to shut off your cell phone if you are leaving any children at home. Shopping is fun and exciting; especially when you are getting new clothing. You can not enjoy yourself when getting calls every other minute.
Shopping for clothing; specifically women's clothing should not be a hassle. You need to have the right amount of time to pick out and try on what you want. This is your wardrobe we are talking about; you are going to be wearing this stuff every day! Don't make the wrong choices just because of pressure from a husband or child.
So, do what is right for you. If you really must take along your husbad when you go shopping; so go ahead. Just keep in mind the ideal thing to do; shoo him away. You can go pick him up on the way to check out. You will probably find him in the electronics aisle playing video games with the 12 year olds; you can always leave him there if you'd prefer.

Give Your Feet A Rest With Comfort Shoes

Have you ever counted how many miles you walk a day? How about the amount of hours you spend on your feet? From the minute you wake up and put your feet on the ground to the minute you go to bed you have exercised your feet and legs. Healthy feet will keep you more active and more content so treat them properly.

Considering our feet aren't that big they have a very complex astructure. There are twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints, one hundred seven ligaments, and nineteen muscles and tendons. That's incredible, isn't it? But, because there are so many working parts it also means you should take care of your foot if you do not want to experience pain. The pain is usually the result of one or more of these parts fail to play nice with the others. Tight muscles or tendons can hurt a lot, especially when your foot hits the ground. Try stretching every day, not to an extreme, but just a few minutes to warm up and loosen those muscles before long periods of use.

You may also be experiencing pain because your foot developed slightly different. Flat-footedness, for example, can cause pain in the bottom of your foot and the heel. You may also experience knee and back pain if your heel does not strike properly. These are often small structural flaws in your foot.

You can use orthopedic support to ease pain. Try a pair of comfort shoes if you plan to walk a lot. You can find sport specific shoes that also help. They will give you the kind of cushioning and stability you need for that specific activity, like running shoes with arch support or basketball shoes with ankle support. Also, orthotic sandals are good for low impact outdoors activities. You'd be amazed how many people do not wear shoes built for their foot type. If you invest in a good pair and you buy slide-in arch supports you can be doing your body a favor. Insoles will not only feel more comfortable but will solve the problem over time.

Also, the days of "suffer for fashion" are over. A lot of these shoes look cool now. Say goodbye to the clogs of yesteryear. You can find different styles and colors that look like your everyday sneaker. There is no reason you should continue to experience pain when you have a choice.

Introduction to Sweaty, Smelly Feet

Many people out there think smelly feet happen though out the course of their average day. Some are even embarrassed however more people suffer from foot odour than you might imagine. Your body naturally perspires to control your temperature and unlike exposed areas of your body your feet are tucked away in your shoes, meaning the sweat they produce cannot evaporate away.

Many people are surprised to find out that we have up to 250000 sweat glands in our feet. So people suffer from a condition called Hyperhidrosis, this is defined as the production of perspiration beyond what is necessary to cool the body, basically you over sweat.

With the amount of sweat gland in your feet it is possible for anybody to get sweaty feet regardless of the temperature or time of year. Women who are pregnant and teenager's going through puberty are more susceptible because of their hormonal ups-and-downs. You are also more prone to foot perspiration if you are on your feet all day or if you're under a lot of stress. A lot of people experience this problem during the summer months. This makes sense as the increase in temperature makes people sweat more.


The cause of foot odour is when the sweat from your feet reacts with bacteria causing your feet to smell. Strangely enough the bacteria living on our feet produce gases very like the bacteria which are used inside the production of cheese hence your feet smell.

Feet become smelly if sweat soaks into shoes and they don't dry before you wear them again. Bacteria on the skin breaks down sweat as it come from the pores. A cheesy odour which can be unbearable at times is released as the sweat decomposes. Your feet sweat into your shoes all day which is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria continue to breed once you have taken your shoes off, especially if you put them in a dark cupboard. Then, when you put your shoes back on the next day, even if you have just had a shower, putting your feet into still damp shoes creates the perfect conditions for the bacteria which thrive in a warm, dark and moist. Fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, can also lead to bad foot odour.

Try not to wear the same shoes every day as this will allow any moisture to dry. If this is not possible then dry the inside of your shoes using either newspaper or even your hair dryer, use the hair dryer on a medium setting, if you use it on a high setting you can damage the leather. Wash your feet everyday and dry then thoroughly especially in between your toes. Over the counter anti perspirant can help as this will reduce the amount of sweat your feet produce. Another little tip is to change your socks a couple of times during the day.

Remember look after your feet as they look after you

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Do I Get Bigger Breasts? Best Ways to Get Bigger Breasts Naturally

This is the question one usually comes across in the health forums. And the questions are asked by a number of women desperately looking for a breast enhancement solution. A few years back, one should have received a single reply: "Go for breast implant." But now no longer. For, people are increasingly getting aware of the health hazards of breast surgery and hence surgery is no longer an option for them. Instead, they are looking for a breast enhancement method which would help them to get bigger breasts naturally and yet is 100% safe and without any side-effects.

For this reason, many women of today are continuously researching about ways through which they can make their breasts bigger naturally. Let us now see what are the options we have if you are going to choose the natural breast enlargement methods.

Natural creams, pills and serums

There are a lot of breast enhancement creams, pills and serums available on the market. They all use a number of natural ingredients that help increase breast size. Fennel has been known to act to increase the estrogen level and there is plenty of research that shows that consuming fennel can increase breast milk. The idea is to create a situation in the body that promote breast development as one does during puberty or pregnancy. Saw Palmetto is another ingredient found in most pills that claims to give you bigger breasts. The pills are to be consumed while the creams and serums are to be massaged on the breasts, which gradually help a woman to improve her breast size.

Breast Exercises

Since your breasts are not muscles and therefore cannot be increased overmuch by exercise and hence there is no real exercise regimen which can be planned to give you only enlarged breasts.

However, the muscles that lie under the breast tissue can be increased and this in turn can cause the breast to sit on a higher position off the chest wall, which in turn will produce the effect of a bigger breast size. A thirty minute workout using butterfly press, arm lifts and chest press can be quite useful in helping you to gain bigger breasts. There is a caveat though: too much exercise can actually be counter-productive and will reduce your body weight significantly, as breast size very often depends on body weight. So, you must be careful about not losing too much weight.

Overall, if you do not want to enlarge your breasts with the help of a surgeon, there is no reason why you cannot get bigger breasts through natural breast enhancement methods. So, don't get confused and keep on asking people, "how do I get bigger breasts?" For, you can always choose for yourself a natural breast enhancement method which is as safe as it is effective. You will definitely get what you desire and that too without the slightest health hazards.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Properly Remove Corns From Your Feet At Home

Corns are a common everyday foot problem that come about because of friction, irritation or pressure on the bottom of the foot. Corns will show up between the toes as well as on the toes. When the toes do not sit properly/comfortably together or when they are jammed into shoes that don't fit correctly corns will begin to form.

Corns can cause pain inside the toe where the root is as well as externally where the corn might be irritated by the shoe. Pain will definitely increase if there is more friction on the effected area. This will also cause the corn to grow more rapidly. To alleviate this pain some people will treat their feet by using a corn pad. Corns can be hard as well as soft sometimes. Soft corns will form because of the moisture between your toes and hard corns will form usually on top or on the outside of the toe.

The PediFoot Pedi Corn Pad Hypoallergenic pad reduces friction and pressure caused by the corn. The pads provide protection and the greatest comfort for your feet. They relieve pain caused by corn and friction from shoes. Adhesive backing allows the pad to sit securely in place under the socks or hosiery. Pedi Corn pads will allow the corn to heal naturally.

Another great option for taking care of unwanted corns on your feet would be the PediFoot Pedi Medi Corn Pad. The Medi Pad from PediFoot offers Corn Pads with 40% Salicylic Acid. The combination of the medicated disc and the soft felt pad offers the ultimate in comfort, while removing the painful and irritating corn. This combination of the pad and disc is the fastest most comfortable way to remove corns from your foot.

The natural healing process is always the best. It is always advised by professionals to never cut or scrape off a corn on your own. You may cause bleeding which will cause more pain and also possible infection to the wounded area.

There are many ways to treat corns and an abundance of products that will cut the pain, irritation and ultimately help you get rid of the corns. Make sure to do your research and consult with your doctor to find the best solution for your feet.

I hope this article has been helpful to you and that you find the best solution for treating your feet and taking care of those unwanted corns. Just because you walk on your feet everyday doesn't mean you have to treat them like dirt. Find peace of mind for your feet and treat them with care.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bigger Breasts - Self-Esteem - Emotional Wealth, Fitness Health

The topic of bigger-breasts-self-esteem carries with it a fundamental fitness fact that nearly everyone should know, yet it dodges the mind and slips the consciousness of millions who seek to enhance the outward appearance of the human body. This very rare and unique reality reveals itself in the following way -- acquiring total wellness and happiness involves far more than mere physical appearances.

Now, that statement may seem utterly simple, but it is a dynamically concentrated one, nonetheless. Still, it continues to shock and surprise many with its simplistic purity. Your life happiness becomes geometrically compounded by positively addressing the six areas of health and well being.

Involving bigger-breasts-self-esteem inclusively, these are, your:

1. Career and employment life.
2. Physical conditioning, including muscular strength, aerobic endurance, joint flexibility, plus the texture, tone, and fat composition of your body mass.
3. Social interactive lifestyle habits.
4. Mental clarity, communicative ability, and understanding.
5. Emotional skill.
6. Spiritual connectedness.

Almost needless to say, the greatest wave of attention in our present society goes to the size of one's material assets, including cash, and even educational, political, or administrative power, status, and authority. But, the magnanimously obvious one taking center stage is body shape or external physique - with primary focus on bigger-breasts.

Regarding bigger-breasts-self-esteem, issues constantly arise because the craving and drive for bigger-better-breasts has two superlative motivational forces. Number one is the emotional need to fill in a gap that remains unfilled in one's present life.

In this circumstance, a social need to be accepted by a particular group -- an intimate need to feel empowered during sexual encounters or interaction -- or perhaps the urge to enhance a specific element of character, personality, or authority -- these descriptions entail the reasoning for increasing the size and shape of the breasts.

Many controversial viewpoints join this discussion, and related sentiments span the gamut of both active and passive rationale for bigger-breasts-in-society plus causative and resultant bigger-breasts-self-esteem concerns. There is the obvious belief that a lady with bigger-boobs will receive a positive jolt when the firmness, texture, and magnitude of her breasts expand far beyond average.

What you may like to do with this information today is merely consider it from new perspectives. Perhaps, you can wear the shoes of someone different from yourself for just a moment, in order to truly comprehend the possible ramifications of bigger-breasts-social-stigma.

Two questions to ask yourself, while remaining responsive to opposing points of view, are:

1) Why-Get-Bigger-Breasts?


2) Who-Needs-Bigger-Breasts?

In other words, take a closer look at the circumstances that shape one's adaptation. And with particular regard to bigger-breasts-self-esteem, also explore the findings on whether or not possessing bigger-better-boobs actually has an empowering effect upon one's personal happiness from both social and spiritual perspectives.

In all fairness, we cannot stand here today and choose to totally ignore the surprisingly high numbers of females who already possess "bigger-better-breasts" yet still opt for breast reduction procedures. The general public is shockingly unaware that approximately 33% of the entire breast-enhancement-interested population in America cast their votes in favor of breast reduction.

And, these statistics include ladies who are already equipped with the so-called "bigger-better-boobs." Therewith, on the topic of bigger-breasts-self-esteem, basic logic prevails here, as we derive the conclusion that having bigger-breasts-naturally, or even surgically, is not a guarantee for emotional contentment and comprehensive peace of mind.

Friday, November 25, 2011

How To Enhance Breast Size Naturally and Effectively

Just about every woman wants to feel sexy with a voluptuous body and perfect vital statistics, much like a super model. A person's happiness and self-confidence can certainly be increased when one can get her body in great shape. Not surprisingly, with the exception of the fortunate minority who are well endowed, having bigger breasts is something that is commonly desired by women globally. Having said this, the possible risks posed by cosmetic surgery have been a deterrent to many. Fortunately, there are ways to enhance your breasts naturally and the suggestions highlighted in this article will certainly be useful to those who are surgical adverse.

Appear Larger
We will begin by discussing how to get a bust line that looks fuller with the use of affordable and natural methods.
Do you know that you can make your breasts appear bigger by putting on appropriate accessories and clothes? Not many women are aware that they can make their breasts appear bigger and draw people's attention to their chest area with the right choice of accessories and clothes.
You can also wear a padded bra or a maximiser brassiere to get a better cleavage. You bosoms can look bigger and fuller with this kind of bra. In addition, you can create an illusion of larger bosoms by using accessories on top of your breasts when wearing clothes with a horizontal line or simply a dress with raffles on the breast area.

Actual Increase
There are ways to help enhance your breast size other than just making you look more endowed with the use of apparel.
You can for instance promote growth by massaging your breasts with the use of enhancing cream. So as not to hurt your bosoms, you really need to ensure that you massage your breasts as gently as possible. As there are typically no harsh chemicals in all-natural creams that might hurt your breasts, the use of such a cream is recommended. Favorable results can be realized after a few months of usage if you can commit to this routine on a daily basis.
Natural pills or supplements that are designed to enhance one's breast size are also options that you can consider. There are myriad of bust enlargement supplements that are commercially available both offline and online. Before you buy any product, it is important that you objectively assess its potency since not all products are effective. One good way is to go for products that have worked for others and you can pretty much achieve this by ensuring that the supplement in question enjoys favorable customer feedback.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reasons Why Women Desire for Bigger Breasts

Most women desire for bigger breasts that is why breast enhancement surgery is a common cosmetic surgery performed by surgeons. If you are gifted with huge attractive breasts, you may not understand why some women subject themselves under the knife to get bigger bust. So why women want bigger breasts? Here are some of the reasons:

To be attractive to the opposite sex. Although the overall personality of a person is important in being attractive, we all know that most men are attracted to big breasted women. Big breasts can give women the posture and figure they need to look good physically and most men cannot ignore the presence of sexy big breasted women. Women who have small breasts are often left unnoticed. Although this is not true to all men, still most men adore women who have big bosom. Most women want to be the object of desire of men that is why most women desire for bigger breasts.

To feel more feminine. Women who have small breasts are not happy with their appearance because they feel unattractive and they feel less feminine. They do not have the freedom to wear any style of clothes because they do not have large breasts. Most sexy clothes especially those with low-cut neckline looks good on big breasted women. Bathing suits also looks great on women with big breasts. The freedom to wear any style of clothes is one of the reasons why women desire for bigger breasts.

To boost their confidence and uplift their self-esteem. Most women with small breasts are suffering from insecurities. Why? Because the society we live in made it clear that big breasted women are accepted, beautiful and attractive. How many of you were teased, laughed at, rejected and ignored because you are flat chested? Unhappiness, rejection and insecurities can damage one's self-esteem and self-confidence. Women desire for bigger breasts to boost their self-confidence and to find the acceptance and attention they need. It can be a life changing experience to have bigger breasts.

Having bigger breasts can positively change your life but of course you have to be careful on the breast enhancement method that you will choose. With the risks of breast augmentation is it worth it to go through the risks just to fulfil your desire for bigger breasts? Not to mention that you also have to spend thousands of dollars for a risky procedure.

Most women desire for bigger breasts but in choosing a breast enhancing method it is best to explore on non-surgical methods to avoid the high cost and irreversible side effects of surgery.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How To Get Bigger Breasts Right Now!

Today, as more and more women have become aware of the many dangers of cosmetic surgery, they are now looking for more natural and safer methods on how to get bigger breasts. No one really wants to take the risk of getting a cosmetic surgery gone wrong anymore. We have seen too much of these cases on the news, and the last thing we want is to actually experience this terrible nightmare for ourselves. To answer this question about growing your breasts the natural way, continue reading this article.

In the most ideal situation, a woman should be satisfied and content with the breasts she was born with. The question about how to get bigger breasts should not be an issue, as it is nothing but a fad in this ever changing world of trends. If everyone accepts this as a perspective in life, then there would be no need to ask such a question on how to get bigger breasts. Unfortunately, there are lots of women who are not content with their breasts. Hence, the question on how to get bigger breasts. Lucky for them though, a wide array of natural methods on how to get bigger breasts is available for them without ever having to go through surgery.

How To Get Bigger Breasts With Better Posture

You can start on how to get bigger breasts by simply practicing proper posture. Hold your head high with your shoulders back, tummy tucked in, and chest pushed out front. Observing such an easy technique can get you far in terms of making your breasts appear larger. Added to that, a good stance will also help prevent the development of postural problems such as scoliosis, osteoporosis of the spine, as well as simple backaches. You will certainly not be disappointed with the results.

The type of bra you wear can also do so much in catering to your needs on how to get bigger breasts. Most women may forget this aspect as they think of ways on how to get bigger breasts, but trust me, this technique alone can do wonders to how your breasts will look. If you want a bit of cleavage showing, choose push up bras that will lift your breasts upward towards the center of your chest. You can tighten your bra straps to adjust the amount of cleavage you want. When you want to create fullness to your bust, try putting on padded bras. In order to look more natural, make sure that you choose a bra of your cup size. You might think choosing a larger cup size helps in creating more fullness. Well, you're wrong. This only makes your bust look odd and unnatural, to say the least.

Another way on how to get bigger breasts is to treat them to a regular massage. Of course, this does not mean you have to go to a massage parlor or spa center in order to do this. You can perform these breast massages right in your very home. Massaging the breasts helps to circulate more blood to the breast tissues. It's only a matter of time before you can observe a significant increase in your breast size. To make this activity more fun and sexy, you can let your partner do the massaging for you.

To solve the how to get bigger breasts crisis, you need to consider on how you dress yourself in order to draw more attention to your breasts. Blouses with ruffled necklines can help add fullness to the chest. Empire cut dresses makes your breasts seem bigger as the cloth gathers more at the chest. You can also try shirts with V-necklines as these will show more of your breasts than rounder ones.

How To Get Bigger Breasts By Wearing The Right Clothes

As with choosing the right clothing on how to get bigger breasts, one also needs to choose carefully on their selection of swimsuits. Everyone wants to look hot in a bikini. What better way to look this way than to have a large bust to fill it in. A triangle cut bikini top places the woman's breasts in the spotlight and makes her breasts look fuller. Adjusting the ties also helps in lifting up the breasts. Bikinis with thin ties are much preferred over those with wider ones. Thin straps or ties will make the breasts stand out and look much bigger with everything else on a woman's chest.

Make up for your small bust with the use of a bit of make-up. Who knew you could use that bronze make-up on your chest? You can create shadows along the cleavage line using these handy tools and voila! Bigger breasts! Now you are definitely ready to hit the dance floor! How's that for "how to get bigger breasts" the natural way?

In order for these natural techniques to achieve their goals on how to get bigger breasts, they should be done together with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep and relaxation. All of the above mentioned techniques can only do so much in helping you in your how to get bigger breasts crisis. You must also treat your body right so you obtain the best possible results using these techniques.

Like I have said in the beginning of this article, a woman does not have to take the unneeded risks and added stresses that come with going through a cosmetic surgery to achieve big breasts. With the above mentioned techniques and tips, you can get the big breasts you have always wanted in a much safer and natural way at a much cheaper cost.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Simple Tips on How to Get Bigger Breast

There are several tips on how to get bigger breast without undergoing cosmetic surgery. Yes, you've read it right. If you are a woman who wants to have bigger breasts, yet you don't want to go under the knife just to become two cup sizes bigger, then here are some tips you should do and follow instead. You should first and foremost take in consideration some things, such as that genetics play an important role in this. Take a quick look at your mother, your sister, your aunt, and even your grandmother. If they have big breasts, then there is a good chance you would grow into bigger breasts as well. However, if they have smaller breasts, then there is a lesser chance you will have a bigger breast size. Another thing is your body type. Since the breasts are made up of fat tissues, being thin and fat could have an influence on your breast size as well; although, it should not be generalized that all women who are fat have big breasts.

A good tip to help you increase your breast size is through your lifestyle decisions. Your diet and some exercises could affect the size and look of your breasts as well. You should eat foods that are rich in substances that could help in enlarging your breast size. There are foods like vegetables and fruits that could help you become healthy and that are nutritious for your body. Taking in high amounts of protein together with certain food could help build up your chest muscles and it could strengthen it as well.

Aside from this tip on how to get bigger breast, you should also try some breast augmenting exercises. These kinds of exercises will help tone up and firm your chest muscles. These not only help tone your breasts, but they also help improve your posture as well. You could perform several repetitions of pushups or you can lift weights while lying or reclining on your back. Together with the right kinds of food, you will certainly notice a slight change on your breast size. They might not become cup D's overnight, but they will certainly appear to look fuller.

Another great tip is with the use of makeup. Yes, even make up could help your small breasts appear to be bigger. When you are wearing a low-cut neckline or plunging necklines, you could enhance your cleavage by contouring some bronzer on the curves of the breasts. If you have small breasts however, a great tip is not to wear anything too revealing or you should wear tops with high necklines instead. Today, there are also brassieres which are padded or those which are called wonder bras. They were designed to make your breasts bigger than what they are. They are a great solution to your problem.

Other great tips include massaging your breasts the right way and putting some breast enlarging creams on them. These improve the blood circulation and some of the substances and chemicals on the cream can indeed help increase your breast size. There are also pills that could help in giving you a cup size bigger breast. You should just be careful enough to choose the right pills properly. These are just some of the helpful and effective tips on how to get bigger breast.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bigger Breasts Without Surgery - A Pain-Free Way To Increase Your Bust

Breast surgery has become one of the most common methods of increasing the breast size, however most people who have gone through surgery never knew that there are many methods of getting bigger breasts without surgery. Since some of them were unaware of natural methods of getting bigger breasts almost all of them ended up going in for surgery in order to increase the size of their breast.

While breast surgery has become increasingly expensive, many people still continue to opt for breast augmentation without trying the other less risky options which are available for getting bigger breast without surgery. The reason why experts advise people to go in for natural methods of breast enhancement is because many times it so happens that people who go in for breast surgeries end up becoming susceptible to cancer. Since the experts have been observing this trend for a long time they always advise people to go in for alternative methods which can help them in getting bigger breasts without surgery.

The worst problem about breast surgery is that it causes irreversible damage to the body. While some people have numbness in their nipples which goes away with time the others end up getting cancer which we all know is a sad and painful experience. Although some people are able to get away with mild giddiness and slight weakness, there are many people who face more problems than these; therefore it is always better to go in for alternatives which are known to be safe.

These days, there are many different options such as breast enhancement creams, exercise, and herbal alternatives which are known to help people in getting bigger breasts without surgery. These alternatives are not only inexpensive as compared to the cost involved in breast surgery, there are also known to be safer.

The reason why most women don't mind spending extra money on breast surgery is because having small breast and trying to enjoy swimming or sunbathing, is next to impossible. While some people have to go through teasing the others carry a very low self-esteem simply because they are not comfortable with the size of their breasts. In order to avoid embarrassing situations and to feel good about themselves; people often spend a lot of money without realizing that there are many inexpensive and safe methods of getting bigger breasts without surgery.

While there are many different methods which a person can opt for, it is important for one to consult a doctor in order to ascertain the type of method which will be most suitable for one to get bigger breasts without surgery. Once the doctor assesses a person's body type he can recommend a breasts enhancement cream and may recommend a few exercises which can help people in getting bigger breasts without surgery.

Since getting bigger breasts without surgery saves people a lot of money and helps them avoid risking their bodies, it makes complete sense for people to at least try the exercises and creams which are recommended by the experts.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Psychology of Beauty

On the different theories of beauty and the role of perception in the judgment of beauty.

The psychology of beauty is complex not just because the concept of beauty is as yet undefined but also because it is largely true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder or how individuals perceive other people or things. Beauty can be attributed to everything that appeals to our senses and all objects that are compatible with our personal preferences. Beauty as we perceive it is largely a projection of our needs and beautiful objects or persons simply cater to our idealizations or fancies and reflect our natural need to relate to all that is appealing. Human beings are controlled by the senses and we tend to repeat processes or experiences that appeal to the senses, that are harmonious and have structure and form. Beauty appeals to our sense of sight so there is a preference for repeating the experience of beauty.
But how do we perceive beauty and why are some people or objects considered more beautiful than some others? Psychological tests have considered symmetry and proportion as extremely important in the perception of beauty. Beauty is also more holistic than specific as a beautiful object is judged as a whole package that is appealing rather than judged on the basis of its parts. Freudian or psychoanalytic explanations of beauty are scarce but psychoanalytic concepts could be used to consider our judgment of beauty as a projection or wish fulfillment so people attractive to us are typically ones who we admire or who in some way represent our own desires and fancies. Psychoanalysis can also be compatible with the idea that beauty is preferential perception when there are similarities with a parent. Most people are also considered beautiful when they have baby-faced features or a particular innocence in their faces. Beauty can also be culturally motivated so in certain eastern cultures women with beautiful feet are considered attractive whereas in the Victorian era in England, women with elegance and grace were the ones with smooth neck and tiny waist and modern western women are judged on the basis of their breasts, bottom and lips. The perception of beauty can change and studies have found that women may prefer softer features of men during particular times and more masculine features at other times depending on the stage of their reproductive cycle. So there are actually several theories of beauty which are discussed here one by one.

1. Beauty as Symmetry and Proportion - As you might have noticed in case of ancient architectural marvels, symmetry was extremely important. Whether it was the great pyramids in Egypt or the architectural wonders in Greece, symmetry and perfect dimensions played an important part in the history of aesthetics. This whole idea of symmetry also applies to every other object or person that we perceive so a person with perfectly symmetrical face would also be considered as an epitome of physical perfection. Perfectly shaped and sharp features are attractive to most people and the most beautiful faces are the ones which have very proportionate features. The same applies to the body and the low waist to hip ratio giving a curvy lower part of the body in women is considered more attractive than a straight shape which usually does not indicate fertility. As human beings are finally looking for evolutionary advantage women with a curvy shapes are considered more fertile and are thus more attractive to men. Similarly men with athletic and muscular bodies are attractive to women. However many men might not prefer extremely voluptuous or curvy women just like many women may not prefer extremely muscular men. This suggests that proportion is also about moderation or maybe human beings are more comfortable with certain moderation in what they perceive rather than excess and that way the perception of beauty may even depend on some sort of social programming.

2. Beauty as a whole rather than parts - When we consider something beautiful, we usually try to take a broad holistic view. Thus when we consider a rose as beautiful, we are less attentive towards each petal and consider the symmetry of the flower as a whole. In a similar manner, when we consider the face of a man or a woman, beauty is the composite quality that seems to represent the entire face of the individual rather than the parts or particular features. Our senses prefer a holistic view and perception of things and thus a person is considered attractive or beautiful only when all features add up to something really pleasant to the senses.

3. Beauty as projection and wish fulfillment - The perception of beauty is not only a mental process but also a deeply personal one. If say your lover has blonde hair, you might find other blonde haired people very attractive because you tend to project your inner fancies on to other people. The 'he' looks like my lover or 'she' looks like my lover is a common syndrome in our perception of beauty and people who are remotely similar to our mates are suddenly more beautiful to us than others. The same projection applies in case of selecting a mate who resembles a parent. If a man looks like your father or a member of the family he is obviously far more attractive to you than to others. The wish fulfillment theory is also equally true and when we want to be like someone in terms of talents or certain qualities, we naturally consider that person as absolutely perfect and beautiful. Some teenagers may idolize popular actors or actresses and the need to be like them also determines their own perception of beauty.

4. Beauty as innocence and charm - No one can deny that a charming personality with social confidence can be far more attractive than a dull personality. A person who has the inherent ability to attract individuals with the sheer force of personality and presence is considered highly attractive. In some way there may be an association between good looks and social confidence and sometimes individuals with good looks are also socially most accepted and thus more confident. Individuals with baby-face features with high or defined cheekbones and certain innocence on their faces are usually considered very attractive by both the sexes. Beauty is advantageous in social adaptation and good looking people are thus socially successful as well, as they get support and positive assessment from other people. However the opposite in also true and sometimes good looking women and even men can become extremely self-conscious and fail to develop adequate self confidence. Good looks can in certain cases become an impediment as good looking women who are also intelligent may be judged more on the basis of their looks rather than their intelligence and this is sometimes a sad fact in modern society.

5. Beauty as a product of culture and society - This is an accepted fact. The concept of beauty seems to change with time as society changes and the perception of beauty varies in different cultures. Dark skin is considered very attractive in Western societies and whiter skin is considered as attractive in Eastern societies, because of the element of novelty in both the cases. Feet and hair of women are important features in Eastern cultures whereas in the West, the woman's lips, and hips are considered important. The breasts of women are important indicators of beauty in all cultures and men's body and chin or jaw and certain masculine sharpness are also considered as attractive. Studies have indicated that women however tend to prefer dominant looking men during the first follicular stage in their reproductive cycle but prefer men with softer more feminine features when they are in their menstrual and ovulation stages. This may have some evolutionary advantage as men with feminine soft natures and faces are considered as more stable and more family oriented than men who have extreme masculinity or a sort of raw appeal. This is however too generalized and there are individual differences as well.

Finally, beauty is about how we perceive the outer world and how we integrate our needs and project our wishes on what we see in the external world. 'Beauty in the eyes of the beholder' in completely correct from a psychological viewpoint as our own preferences change with time and so do our desires, aesthetic sense and perception of beauty.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jewels, Jewels Everywhere

Jewelry; just that word can ignite a firestorm of emotions in the heart of any woman. The jewelry industries have become multi billion dollar ones if not more. Any smart business will start when they shop wholesale jewelry and even wholesale fashion jewelry. With abilities to get stock for cheaper, it is no wonder there are so many people out there trying to sell this much desired treasure.
There is nothing like giving a piece of fashion or real jewelry as a gift to someone. It is one of the most special presents you could possibly receive. This is because of their beauty and their value. Just the latter alone makes someone feel really cared about and loved; knowing someone would spend that amount of money on them. Even fashion jewelry, although a lot less pricey, evokes feelings of happiness at being received as a gift.
Jewelry, whether fashion or not, holds a certain something over women in the world over. Perhaps it is because it is so beautiful, or maybe even because of how everybody else loves it. Whatever it is, women want it. They want it and the treasure it. They are always looking for ways to possibly get some. You can probably catch some women gazing longingly in a jewelry store window at any given time. They also mentally pick out exactly what they want when the next occasion calls for it; hopefully their significant others can read their minds.
Well the world took a cue from women. Since the beginning of time, women have adored jewels of all types. So, the world is producing jewels of all types; in forms of real, fashion, costume, etc. There is so much potential for a buyer out there looking for the perfect piece of jewelry. If you look hard enough, you are sure to find the most incredible deal.
Due to the demand of the public on jewelry stores and businesses alike; the demand has likewise put more pressure on wholesale jewelry businesses as well as wholesale fashion jewelry. Luckily, they are meeting the demands and the strain head on. There are a variety of wonderful wholesale jewelry businesses out there to keep up with the many businesses out there, and the new ones starting constantly. If it was not for all these wholesale companies, we would really be up a creek. The jewelry would be twice as much constantly and there would be no deals to be met.
Good thing there is such a thing as wholesale jewelry and wholesale fashion jewelry. The market really calls for it, and so it is there. Otherwise if it was not, it would not be pretty. It enables us to keep the cycle going; and meet the constant demands of the world with jewelry.
It is a world filled with many needs and wants. On that list is jewelry, as it has been for centuries. The demand grows daily; and any smart business savvy individual will try their hand at this incredible business. It is a smart business endeavor to anyone thinking of it; especially if you are shopping wholesale.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Three Ways to Make a Woman Happy

My relations with the women are debatable issue for many in my neighborhood. I have very good relation with the all of women nearby my house. They are all go on praising me in front of others. If I request for anything, my request is met instantly. They feel free and comfortable with me. They like sharing their view and feeling with me and like to listen the same from me. Many feel surprised by this and want to know the reason behind it. The reasons are very simple. Women are the wonderful creatures of God. They are made by the God to spread happiness to mankind and that's but they are doing. They always remain ahead to fulfill this purpose. Most of the women are very innocent and strive for only small praises. Women will ever unlike praise. This is the time tested thing.
Many people have used it and got success. We can also use it and got success. But we require to have some caution in our behaviors. Women are very strong in understanding and analyzing behaviors. This is God gift to them. They can very easily understand the motive behind your praise. If they found it to be superficial or lacking feeling, then are likely not to respond for your praise. We are require to judge our praise well and avoiding repeated praise. We should not use complex praise, which are difficult to understand. A simple and sincere one is the best. Praise should we followed with constant efforts and simple behavior.
Second thing women most like is your concern for them. They feel happy if you show concern towards them. Best way is to put your feet in to her shoe. We have to come to their level and share their feeling. They usually like to remain in their shells. They have their own fear factors.
Before showing the concern, we should we aware of them. We should not try to break them. But by respecting their personal space, we have to show the concern. Just do this and see the result, you do one thing and got rewards by ten from her side. Even by simply showing concern for health can do wonders. Show concern for things related to her. She will like it, as a special care is given to her.
One more interesting point about women is that they like to be got appreciated in front of others. They feel very proud by this gesture. They like if their work or food is got appreciated. If you want to win the heart of a lady, praise her in front of others and see the result. Her feeling towards you will change dramatically. Another approach is that you should praise her in front her friend or known ones. So that she can know it. This will also do a wander. This will indirectly make a good place for you in her heart.
Best of luck for all, for their Women.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Ovarian Cycle

Each month in a woman's reproductive years an egg develops in one of the ovaries and is released to potentially be fertilized and reproduce. So how does this happen and how is it regulated?
The stimulation to the ovary comes from the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small peanut sized gland that is attached to the bottom of the brain, and is housed in a thin-walled bony part of the skull called the sella tursica.
Each month the hypothalamus, the part of the lower brain that regulates pituitary function, senses that there is no pregnancy, and stimulates the pituitary to release a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone, or FSH. The FSH stimulates several germ cells in the ovaries to start to develop. Over a few day's time one of these developing eggs becomes dominant and the others stop developing and atrophy. The dominant follicle becomes larger and about 14-16 days from the prior menses beginning the pituitary produces a surge of a different hormone called luteinizing hormone or LH. The LH surge stimulates the ovary to release the egg, and for the remaining cells of the follicle the egg was released from to further develop into what is called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone. The progesterone causes the lining of the uterus to mature and become able to support a fertilized egg.
If the egg is fertilized and successfully implants in the uterus the developing embryo produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin which stimulates the corpus luteum to continue to develop and produce progesterone. If no pregnancy occurs, without the HCG feedback the ovary stops producing progesterone after about 12-14 days, and without the progesterone support the lining of the uterus starts to be shed, resulting in the monthly menstrual bleeding. This bleeding lasts for 3-8 days in most women. On about the first day of bleeding, the hypothalamus recognizes that the progesterone levels have dropped, and that no pregnancy has occurred, and it again stimulates the pituitary to release FSH, starting a new cycle.
This cycle repeats itself until a pregnancy develops, the ovary fails to respond in menopause, or artificial hormone intervention like birth control pills are used.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Causes Vaginal Odor - Number One Cause of Vagina Smell In Most Women

Vaginal odor is an issue that a lot of women learn to live with rather than solve it. If you manage to understand what causes vaginal odor it is fairly simple to prevent it. In my case it came to a point where my self-esteem was at its lowest thanks to my smell "down" there. There was no way to get intimate with my partner because of the fear of the odor seeping through and getting noticed. Even in public places like the elevator I was constantly concerned just in case someone caught my smell. Finally I decided enough was enough. There was no way I could let my vagina smell could control my life.
Without wasting much time I did some research on my own on the modern day wonder - the Internet. What I found was that in majority of women bacterial vaginosis happens to be the number one cause of the smell. When you suffer from this infection you will have kind of fishy odor accompanied by a whitish grey vaginal discharge and vaginal itching.

To avoid this infection there are a few things to bear in mind
a)The most common cause of BV is not wiping in the right direction. After you use the washroom always wipe front to back to prevent the e-coli bacteria present naturally in the rectum from entering the vagina.
b)Another popular cause of getting this infection is wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics and tight fit clothes. To let the vagina breathe and keep it dry you must wear cotton underwear and loose fit clothes like skirts instead of jeans and trousers.
c)Vaginal douching and/or making use of scented sprays should be avoided at all times, especially when you are suffering from vaginal odor. Douches or sprays tend to disrupt the natural pH balance of your vagina and worsen the infection.
d)The use of unscented soap daily is the best hygiene practice.
e)Avoid bubble baths and always dry your vaginal area by gently patting with a clean cotton towel after the wash.
f)Avoid scented toilet tissue, tampons and sanitary napkins and are not recommended. Make sure you change your sanitary protection at regular intervals even if your flow is light.
Take a close look at your personal habits to exactly figure out what causes vaginal odor personally for you. Once you figure this aspect out take preventive measures to keep the vagina smell at bay.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Top 5 Sex Rules That Get In the Way of Great Sex

Each of us believes and defends our own set of sex rules. These rules are not facts. They are judgements and opinions that we believe to be real. It is important to recognise and examine the Sex Rules that we are carrying around with us and into every sexual encounter.

We learn about sex from our experiences, from other people and the world around us. Our culture circulates information and ideas about what sex is, what sex should be, how often we should be having sex, who we ought to be having sex with. We are all free to form our own opinions as to what we think about sex, what men are like, what women are like. Sometimes we choose to believe things that do not help us find and sustain sexual pleasure. Instead we buy into rules that lead us to suppress our deepest desires and to deny the hope that things can get better.

Some of your Sex Rules will hopefully be positive; beliefs about your entitlement to pleasure, your freedom to explore what sexual fulfilment means to you and recognition of your entitlement to awaken and celebrate your sexual potential. You are probably also investing in other beliefs, which may be destructive to having great sexual experiences and are actually a source of anxiety and insecurity that undermines your confidence. Awareness is key to change. So take a look at the 5 most common beliefs that block sexual happiness and see which ones sound familiar.


If we hold on to the idea that it is someone else's responsibility to 'give' us an orgasm, then we are abandoning our own responsibility. We are ALL different. There are no magical techniques that will send every single person into the throes of sexual ecstacy. Expecting your partner to be responsible for your sexual pleasure is unreasonable. It allows you to remain detached from your own sexuality and lets you hang onto an imagined sense of safety through the lack of your own participation and responsibility. You need to put yourself on the line and put out there what it is that you want. It may be easier to listen

to your fears and stay silent, hoping for the best, but when you open up you will build up your own self-esteem and confidence and respect for yourself and your sexual desires. You also enable your partner to do the same and both of you are starting to build successful sexual communication that will help you to find sexual fulfilment.

Any situation in which our anger and frustration are motivated by 'shoulds' indicated an abdication of responsibility. Mind reading, making assumptions about what other people should know, relieves you of having to go outside your familiar comfort zone and express your own needs and desires. You expect other people to make themselves vulnerable by exposing themselves to the risk of 'failure', not getting right what they 'should' already know. Do not make other people do the work for you, trying to guess what it is that you want. It is not a successful strategy for great sex and it leaves you vulnerable to feelings of disappointment and rejection each time somebody fails to behave as you expect him or her to.


The dizzying chemistry of the first months can be turned into a deeper sex-self-spirit connection that heightens sexual pleasure. Do not give up trying; the less sex you have the easier it is to convince yourself that it isn't important and so you decide to bury your disappointment and frustration. In any relationship, levels of desire will fluctuate. This is not a disaster. Keep touching and being affectionate with each other and your attraction will return. The specific danger of this belief is that it justifies and reinforces the temptation to give up and stop trying to create and maintain sexual passion in a long-term relationship. This can easily lead to a situation in which there is no longer any physical touch between you and your partner and emotional connection and intimacy levels will begin to diminish.

Although it may not be easy, find the courage to talk to your partner if you feel that you are not happy with your current sex life otherwise your resentment that your sexual needs are unacknowledged and unmet can seep out and affect the general state of your relationship. You need to recognise that sometimes better sex takes some effort, time and commitment. It may not sound very sexy but sexiness is all in your perception. Some people choose to investigate Tantric practices, which widen the possibilities of what sex can be by seeing that sexuality can be experienced beyond the typical Western penetration-ejaculation approach. For other people, making the decision to make time for sex is enough to re-ignite the sense of intimacy and enjoyment that has been lost.


This conviction completely simplifies and trivialises men's sexual responses. Men's levels of desire are affected by their thoughts and feelings, just as women's are. Men are not sexual machines who ready to perform upon command, although many messages that we receive about sex tell us that this is the case. This puts tremendous pressure on the man, leading to the performance anxiety that is familiar to many men. Somehow, when sex fails, for some women it is easier to blame the man rather than acknowledging that sexual connections between two people are controlled and created by both of those people, not just the man. When a woman believes this to be true, she is vulnerable to feeling undesirable and unwanted whenever her partner does not want to have sex. For some women reflecting upon their assumptions can enable them to take more responsibility for their own sexual pleasure and for men, it can come as a welcome relief from taking total responsibility for giving a woman the 'gift' of sexual pleasure.


Learning more and better sex tips and tricks to bring you greater sexual satisfaction is not always the key to sexual fulfilment. Some people do have great sex lives and want to learn more about how to make it even better. In this kind of situation, tips and tricks can add another element to the relationship. However, if your sex life is not fulfilling you, expecting a quick fix in the form of 'things' to do to and with your partner is unlikely to bring you what you want. Technical proficiency alone can make for an emotionally isolating experience, if not for you than possibly for your partner. It comes back to the sex-self-spirit connection. Finding sexual happiness is not only about what you do. It is also about who you are. How willing are you to show yourself to another person. Can you let go enough emotionally and physically to open yourself up to pleasure? Sometimes too much emphasis on doing is a way of masking and denying what is wrong in your state of being.


Masturbation is a fantastic way to enhance partner sex because it is all about exploring your own sexual potential. You do not need a lover to explore your own sexuality and raise your sexual energy. In fact, the more you know about your own sexual response, the better the lover you can become. When you take responsibility for knowing about what you like and dislike, then you are able to show and/or tell a partner how to please you. Most people like to be told and your clarity will give both of you greater confidence and control over your sexual experiences. Many people view masturbation as something of a last resort for a single person. However, learning how to pleasure yourself enables you to develop a rich fantasy life that can enhance your sexual relationships with other people.

Creating sustained sexual happiness requires you to be comfortable with who you are and that you are aware of your sexual style, likes and dislikes. You need to be able to communicate this to another person and not to be inhibited by fears of other people's possible perceptions. Other people's reactions are their problem, their issues - not yours. It can seem as if you have to take on board the discomfort and judgements of others but you do not. Remember that you get to decide how to react to other people and you can choose to be courageous, confident and in the certainty that you know and accept who you are as a sexual being.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Phone Sex 101 - A Short FAQ List

People are sexual creatures, so its no surprise that almost every new invention is given a sexual spin on its original purpose. Sex was probably the last thing on Alexander Graham Bells mind when he invented the telephone, but that doesn't make phone sex any less exciting.

Whats phone sex anyway?

For the sake of clarity, phone sex is defined as a phone conversation that aims to sexually arouse and stimulate the people involved. Most of the time, masturbation and orgasms are involved, but that mostly depends on the tastes of the callers. It doesn't matter if the phone call starts innocently as long as theres erotic content thats meant to stimulate both parties (or more, if you have conference call capabilities) its definitely considered as phone sex.

Should I pay for phone sex?

That depends. If your boyfriend/girlfriend is up for it, then you don't have to pay for quality phone sex. In fact, phone sex could be a good way to spice up your relationship. Other people with no sexual partners can find a friend or acquaintance who wouldn't mind having phone sex with them. However, many people turn to phone sex when they either don't want or don't have a sexual partner. In this case, you can call a professional for phone sex services. Another alternative is to visit a website meant for people who want to find phone sex partners. Keep in mind that most people who have phone sex with strangers have no intention of scheduling a face to face meeting.

How do I initiate phone sex with someone I know?

Its best not to take it too seriously if you've never tried it with a specific person before. If you're uncomfortable, be humorous about it make your phone sex offer sound like a joke. Its also a good idea to close your eyes and actually imagine that the person you're speaking with is actually next to you. If you're having a hard time doing this, make your physical environment conducive to sex. Light up some scented candles, put on some sexy music, etc. use whatever turns you on. The important thing is for both parties to feel comfortable and sexy in their respective locations. Once you've established this, you're good to go.

*Simple phone sex tip: If you're not sure how to get started, you can tell your partner about things that you wish were happening. Example: I wish we were lying together naked right now. Or I wish I could press my body against yours.

I'm not sure how to do this right, do you have any pointers?

Just like physical sexual contact, you need to develop a refined technique to turn on your partner. Your success depends mostly on how well you describe scenarios, as well as how vividly you visualize. Timing is very important. As with real-life sex, you have to get a rhythm down. This is why you shouldn't have phone sex when you're in a hurry. Quickies almost never work via phone sex, mostly because phone sex is most successful when expectations and excitement are built up.

Its also important to be considerate of the other person, to make sure that they're actually in the mood for phone sex. Chat about mundane things for a while and get to know more about their day, because initiating phone sex when someones dog just died never really works.

It helps to keep your language casual. Avoid sounding too technical by saying things like I want to slide my penis into your vagina. Its better if you can add a slang-type spin on the way you say these things.

When it comes to technique, the key is to be graphic but believable. Make sure that the moves you make are realistic, and that you keep in track of what position you're currently in. After all, you don't want to be interrupted by the other person saying How did that happen? I thought your hand was on my thigh?! Needless to say, you need to keep your graphic descriptions simple. Very long and complicated descriptions tend to confuse a lot of people. You don't want to sound like a badly translated electronics manual from China.

What are the advantages of having phone sex?

If you're having phone sex with someone you're in a relationship with, its a good way to tell your partner about your sexual fantasies. It also spices up your relationship, especially since most people forget to sexually indulge their partner in an auditory way (ex. Talking dirty, etc). This is also beneficial to long distance relationships, or couples with busy schedules. But remember phone sex shouldn't be the only way you satisfy your partner.

For those who have casual phone sex with acquaintances or strangers, the advantage is that you can do as much of it as you can without worrying about STDs and such. Its also a good way to learn new tricks that you can apply in bed when you have a chance.

What are disadvantages of having phone sex?

The trouble with phone sex, as with most good things, is that some people get addicted to it. When you spend too much time doing it via phone, that would give you less time to do it physically. You might even kill your sensitivity to a current/potential partners physical and emotional needs. Also, if you're using paid phone sex hotlines, you might incur too many expenses.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sex Addiction

Just what is a sex addiction and can it be easily treated? If only there were easy answers to those questions.

We don't have to go further back than to the eighties before we can safely say that most people wouldn't have heard of sex addiction and even psychologists wouldn't have known how to treat it. Even today it's difficult to define whether or not a person has an addiction or is merely highly sexed and yet sexual addiction has been with us throughout recorded history. Today it's estimated that around 8% of the male population and 3% of females are sex addicts.

There's no doubt that sexual addictions have been heavily fuelled by the popularity of the Internet, simply because it's made sex easily available in both real and cyber forms. You can log on, meet somebody and be having cyber sex within a matter of minutes! And dating sites specifically designed to bring together people looking for no strings sex can be found on the virtual equivalent of every street corner.

Symptoms of Sex Addiction

Sex addicts are similar to any other addict in that they use their addiction as a means to controlling their stress levels. When things get on top of them, they turn to their preferred sexual activity in order to regain their personal equilibrium.

What's important to understand is that while most of us tend to believe that sex addicts will have any kind of sex just as long as it leads to orgasm, this is far from the truth. Just as with anybody else, those suffering from a sexual addiction have their preferred sexual practises but it's only when those practises interfere with an otherwise normal sex life or their lives in general and become a habitual need that can we say a person is a sex addict.

Simply put, those suffering from sex addiction display classic signs of compulsive behaviour. They MUST masturbate when they feel stressed; they MUST have sex with strangers in order to feel they have control over their lives; they MUST look at pornography on the Internet whenever they're unhappy. And it becomes a vicious circle: they become unhappy because they haven't looked at pornography, or they feel stressed because they haven't masturbated.

Sex addicts will increasingly need to move their boundaries in order to experience the same sense of relief or control. Where masturbation was once enough, they may move on to exhibitionism. This may then progress to meeting online 'friends' in person or paying prostitutes for sex. As with any other form of addiction, what once appeared to be an innocent form of sexual fulfilment escalates until it's uncontrollable.

Given a sex addict's preoccupation with sex it often comes as a surprise to others that those suffering from a sexual addiction probably aren't enjoying sex any more than the rest of us.

Aside from the breakdown of relationships, most forms of sexual addiction are harmless to anybody other than the addict. However, some sex addicts find themselves dependent on rape or child abuse in order to get their 'hit'. It's these cases that cause a real danger to society.

It's not unusual for sex addicts to experience shame because of their addiction. They know they spend too much time in chat rooms, or that they shouldn't risk hurting their partners by visiting prostitutes but are unable to stop themselves. Even though they try to stop they find themselves unable to. The result of sex addiction can be horrendous: marriage breakdowns, financial problems, low self-esteem, and sometimes arrest.

Can Sexual Addiction be Treated?

Luckily, the answer to this is yes but as with any treatment for addiction, the sex addict must understand that there is a problem and that it's highly unlikely to get better of its own accord.

We've all heard that there's no point in treating the symptoms without treating the cause and this certainly applies to the sex addict. The addict needs to understand the role that the sex addiction has served and address that. There are almost as many reasons for sexual addiction as there are addicts but some of the most common causes are abuse during childhood, lack of loving physical contact during childhood, lack of sexual interest within a relationship, and lack of self-esteem.

Once the root of the problem has been found the next step is to understand and accept that sexual addiction cannot be cured without abstinence. Just as it's not possible to stop smoking whilst smoking or stop drinking whilst drinking, you cannot stop being addicted to sex whilst having sex. During the period of abstinence the sex addict should be able to re-access the situation and find a new sense of purpose.

There are a variety of self-help groups available to join, and many find these helpful as they not only offer practical guidance but also give the sex addict confirmation that they're not alone. It can also often be easier to reach a goal if there are several people all heading in the same direction. After all, who wants to be the only one to have not managed to take control of their sex addiction?

A happy and fulfilling life without compulsive sex is possible for even those who have been sex addicts for many, many years. If you really want it, you can do it.

Good luck.