Premature ejaculation is a condition that millions of men around the world suffer from and many of them suffer in silence. They are simple too embarrassed to discuss this sensitive topic with a doctor.
Men put a lot of stock in their sexual identity and assume they must perform like an adult movie star in bed and if they don't they are consumed by guilt and disappointment in their own sexual performance.
Many of these men try numbing sprays or creams that may provide some temporary assistance but really are just masking the underlying causes of their lack of been able to prolong ejaculation.
Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation will even avoid having sex with their partner because of how long they last in bed. Sex is an integral part of any relationship and the stress of premature ejaculation can cause arguments and resentment to rise to the surface.
There are few technique that a man can try that will help them overcome premature ejaculation.
For instance, if the man feels like he is highly stimulated during sex or foreplay he needs to find a way to lessen that stimulation. Too much stimulation during sex is the main reason why premature ejaculation occurs. A man could try a different sex position that is less stimulating to them or ask his partner for a different foreplay style.
Another good way to end premature ejaculations to target the pubococcygeus muscle. This is a mans main sexual muscle and controls bodily functions such as ejaculation, urinary flow and orgasm and like any other muscle it can be strengthened through exercises called Kegels. By strengthening this muscle doing Kegel exercises then men can have harder erection and more powerful, longer lasting ejaculations.
One of the easiest ways to exercise the PC is to take a pee and then stop yourself mid flow. What this does is exercise your PC muscle. There are number of other Kegel exercises you can perform but this is a good one to start with for a man.
Premature ejaculation can be cured naturally and without the need for cream, sprays or embarrassing trips to the doctor. There are a number of exercises a man can learn that will help you master control PE. These are both mental and physical exercises that are easy to learn and practice and once they are used a significant improvement will be seen even as soon as the first night of trying.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wood
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